What is the Best Form of Magnesium?

best forms of magnesium supplements

Magnesium is essential for over 300 distinct metabolic functions, including energy production and protein synthesis, blood sugar control and blood pressure regulation.

Magnesium can be found in a variety of foods, such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, and legumes. However, not everyone gets enough magnesium from their diet alone. Magnesium supplements are available in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, powders, and liquids.

When choosing a magnesium supplement, it’s essential to consider the form of magnesium, bioavailability and dosage. The most common forms of magnesium are magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, and magnesium glycinate.

Magnesium is the body’s fourth most common mineral essential for human survival. However, since so many different types of supplementary magnesium are available, it may be challenging to figure out which one is best for you.

This article discusses what type of magnesium works best. 

The Best Forms of Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium is an essential mineral that the body needs for many different functions. Magnesium comes in several different forms, each with its own unique benefits.

Nuts, greens, seeds, whole grains, dry beans, oat bran, wheat germ, and wheat are foods high in magnesiumIf you’re not a fan of greens and wheat, here’s everything you need to know about the different types of magnesium supplements.

1. Magnesium Oxide

The most common form of magnesium is magnesium oxide, found in many over-the-counter supplements. The body does not absorb magnesium oxide as easily as some of the other forms of magnesium, but it is the most affordable.

Magnesium oxide is a salt formed by the combination of magnesium and oxygen. Unfortunately, this sort isn’t often used to prevent or cure magnesium deficiency since, according to some research, it is poorly absorbed by your digestive system.

Instead, it is used for the short-term treatment of digestive symptoms, including indigestion, constipation, and heartburn. It can also treat and prevent migraines.

It’s a white, powdery product available as a powder or capsule. It is also the primary active component in milk of magnesia, a common over-the-counter constipation treatment.

2. Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate is another popular form of magnesium known for its laxative properties. It absorbs quickly and efficiently into the body and has a mild taste.

Magnesium citrate is a magnesium salt that has been combined with citric acid. It is usually administered orally to replace depleted magnesium levels. In addition, because of its natural laxative action, it is occasionally used to treat constipation. 

Some research also indicates that magnesium citrate is a calming agent that can help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, although further study is required on these applications. This acid occurs naturally in citrus fruits and has a sour taste. Artificially manufactured citric acid is often used as a preservative and taste enhancer.

3. Magnesium Lactate

When magnesium interacts with lactic acid, a salt called magnesium lactate is formed. Your muscle and blood cells also create this acid. Magnesium lactate is not a popular over-the-counter supplement but is used as a preservative and flavouring ingredient. A few studies suggest that this type may also help relieve stress and anxiety, but further investigation is required.

4. Magnesium Taurate

Taurine is a type of amino acid that is in magnesium taurate. Appropriate intakes of taurine and magnesium may encourage healthy blood sugar levels. This could help people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar levels.

According to recent animal research, magnesium taurate considerably decreased blood pressure in rats with high levels, suggesting that this type may benefit cardiovascular health.

5. Magnesium L-Threonate

Magnesium L-threonate is often utilised for its possible brain advantages. It may aid in treating some mental illnesses, such as depression and age-related memory loss. 

According to animal studies, it might be one of the most efficient supplements for raising magnesium concentrations in brain cells. Thus reducing the risk of migraines, epilepsy, chronic pain and strokes. 

6. Magnesium Sulphate

Athletes mainly use magnesium sulphate. Most people refer to it as Epsom salt. Athletes and weary gym-goers mix them into baths to relieve aching muscles and cramps. 

It is also used in hospitals by healthcare workers who deliver it as an injection or IV to treat hypomagnesemia or low magnesium levels. 

Lastly, magnesium sulphate can also treat renal problems in children and avoid premature labour and convulsions in specific severe pregnancy difficulties.

7. Magnesium Glycinate

Did you know the most common form of magnesium supplement on the UK market is magnesium glycinate?

Magnesium glycinate (or magnesium bisglycinate) is a form of magnesium that is easily absorbed by the body and does not have any harsh side effects.

Magnesium glycinate is created by combining magnesium with the amino acid glycine. This process is called chelation, hence the popular expression chelated magnesium. It’s the best type of magnesium supplement due to its fast-absorbing properties. 

This amino acid is used by your body to build proteins. It may also be found in various protein-rich foods such as fish, meat, dairy, and legumes.

Glycinate is often used as a stand-alone dietary supplement to promote sleep and cure inflammatory disorders like heart disease and diabetes. 

Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate supplements have been shown to provide many benefits, including:

  • reduced intensity of asthma attacks
  • reduce anxiety and depression
  • pain relief, especially migraines 
  • maintain a healthy heart
  • help with heart palpitations
  • encourage bone health
  • minimise PMS symptoms
  • help with leg cramps
  • enhance stamina
  • and control blood sugar levels in diabetics and may reduce the chance of developing type 2 diabetes

Glycine is associated with deep sleep, and studies suggest that magnesium glycinate may aid in the promotion of a consistent state of relaxation. Magnesium glycinate supplementation improved the total sleep quality in a clinical study of older persons. 

Daily Recommended Magnesium Glycinate Intake

The National Institute of Health recommends the following daily doses of supplemental magnesium glycinate: 

  • children aged to 3 years- 65 mg 
  • children aged 4 to 8 years- 110 mg 
  • for anyone above the age of 8 years- 350 mg

What to Look Out for in Magnesium Glycinate Supplements

Since magnesium is found in cells and bones rather than in the bloodstream, testing magnesium levels in the blood may provide misleading findings. 

A healthcare practitioner may recommend supplements in certain circumstances for poor magnesium absorption. Magnesium glycinate supplements are easily accessible, and we recommend taking them with meals to help avoid gastrointestinal distress.

Look out for the following before buying magnesium glycinate supplements:

  • absorption rate
  • number of capsules per bottle
  • active ingredients
  • excipients used
  • dosage
  • number of servings
  • and clear and detailed labelling

Please speak with your healthcare practitioner or pharmacist if you are taking any supplements. They will advise you on any potential interactions between your prescription and your magnesium supplement.

Final Say 

Magnesium promotes a healthy inflammatory response, builds and maintains muscle, provides more stable blood sugar management, improves metabolism, may enhance energy, and preserves bone health and strength.

We believe that Chelated Magnesium Bisglycinate is the best form of magnesium for overall health since it treats more symptoms than other magnesium supplements. In addition, it has rapid absorption rates, does not have harsh side effects, and is cost-effective. 

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